Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fastest Way To Lose Those Few Flabby Bits

Are you one of the many people just looking to lose some of those irritating flabby bits? There are many of us who are not excessively overweight but would like a slight body trim. For obese people this would be a small problem to face, but often trying to lose the first few pounds is the really difficult part.

The upside for those with only a small amount of weight to lose is that the physical activity and exercise should not be such a difficult or painful prospect as for those who are very overweight.

There are a number of excellent diet products that will benefit those with a small amount of weight to lose. With various low calorie snack products filling this gap. Helping you to get through the day with tasty and nutritious treats without the calories. Counting calories is a bit of a pain at the best of times. If you only have a small amount of weight to lose a better option is probably to work on a vigourous tightening and toning exercise programme and speed up the time for getting back your toned and trim body.

Dieting has limitations and can only get you so far in any weight loss mission. Cardio exercises and resistance training are vital calorie consuming elements to help you get your desired body. Dieting is required, but alone it will not get you your dream body. Exercise and an intensified fitness routine will invigorate your life and your enthusiasm for life. The important thing is to find a fitness routine that you really enjoy.

Gone are the routine and mundane aerobics workout of the 1980's. These have now been replaced with a wide variety of many other options. From Yoga to Tae Bo, boxing to Pilates and even pole dancing or belly dancing for those who dare. The point is that with your workout routine you have many different and entertaining options. You just have to find the one's that excite and motivate you. Then as they say in the Nike commercial: "Just Do It".

The bad news is … whatever fitness routine you choose, it will not do anything by itself. In order to achieve the results you have to be committed and actively work towards your weight loss and fitness goals.

At some point during this program you will very likely reach a plateau. At this point you can now either up the level of calorie burning physical activity or cut your calories. Whatever you choose, getting over this hurdle is an important step in the process.

So stay in the game and break through with renewed effort. In no time it all you'll have lost those few flabby pounds and achieved the body and glowing health you dreamed about.


Weight loss and fitness go hand in hand to improve your quality of life. Patrick Millerd, a lifelong fitness junky, would like to help you find your weight loss solution so you feel better and can do more at