Summer is approaching and we all want to have the perfect body for bathing suits. Many of us have been saying since January 1 that we're going to lose weight and by spring will look like a different person. This happens to me almost every year.
If you start following the tips below you can transform your body in the next thirty days. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 30 days if you really focus and create the right state of mind.
That leads us to the first tip, your state of mind. The correct state of mind is one of the most important things in transforming your body. You really need to believe that you're going to look different in thirty days if you're going to accomplish this goal. Many of us find it difficult to get started and stick with the weight loss program because we don't have the proper state of mind.
I'm not going to cite hundreds of research projects but let's just suffice it to say that many studies have been done showing that believing that your body is transforming actually accelerates the weight loss process. People who envision the transformation of their body while they are exercising have much better results than people who are trudging through their routine at the gym.
The next tip is exercise. I know that we hear it over and over again you have to exercise to lose weight, you need to do lots of cardio to lose weight, you need a lift weights to lose weight. The truth of the matter is that exercise is extremely important in the weight loss process. But the type of exercise you do is almost more important than the amount of exercise you do.
Many people today still have a misconception about the correct exercise program to follow to lose weight and tone muscle. There are people who will spend hours upon hours in the gym thinking that this is what is necessary to accomplish their weight loss and body toning goals. This could not be further from the truth.
Study after study has shown that high intensity interval training is the most efficient way to exercise to lose weight. This high intensity interval training, known as HIIT, can be done in as short of time as 10 minutes a day. Even less if you use a more intensive program, such as Tabata.
HIIT can be done through several different methods. The best results come from using a combination of methods. You not want to be doing the same routine each and every day as your body will become accustomed to it. For instance many people will work out on a weight circuit for three days a week and then maybe the other two days a week they will do sprints or bicycle riding or something similar.
How does HIIT work? It is merely exercising at a very high intensity for a few second and then resting for a few seconds. For example, you may sprint for 24 seconds and then walk for 36 seconds. Repeat this process ten times without rest and you have completed a workout that will give you more benefit than jogging for an hour.
The age old excuse of I don't have the time to work out, just doesn't fly anymore. Anyone can find 10 minutes a day to do some HIIT. This is absolutely crucial to lose the fat so that you will look great in your bathing suit.
The next tip is to keep moving. If you have an option between the elevator and stairs take the stairs. When you get home from work at night take a walk for half an hour. A brisk walk will help relax you after stressful day and it will also burn a few more calories.
The next tip is to eat healthy and smaller portions. You don't necessarily have to count your calories, just start becoming aware of what you are eating on a daily basis. In fact it is a good idea to keep a journal of what you eat. Studies have shown that people who keep journals tend to lose weight more quickly than people who do not keep journals of what they eat.
Next, skip the sodas. I know that you've heard this before, but they are so bad for you. Drinking sodas, even diet sodas, derail any type of weight loss plan. Even though diet sodas have no sugar, they are quite high on the glycemic index and they increase your insulin production which is taboo if you want to lose weight.
Finally, take a cheat day. It won't hurt once a week to indulge in some of your favorite foods. Just don't overdo it. In fact often times it's good for you to switch up your diet a little bit so that your body does not get used to a certain amount of calories each day.
In other words if you're eating1800 calories a day on your weight loss plan, eat 2600 or 2700 on Saturday. Studies have shown that this actually can speed up weight loss as your body will not adapt to a certain caloric level.
So these are just a few simple things that you can do that will help guarantee within thirty or all OF OUR 00 days you look great in your bathing suit. Good luck and have fun at the beach this or know or or a summer!
Losing weight fast, the best exercise to burn fat and how to eat to burn fat are only a few of the techniques and methods you will find at Fat Burning Frenzy to help you sculpt that beach body you are looking for. Learn more at =>