Everything in moderation, eat sensibly, keep moving.
Just reading everything available about weight loss and buying all the latest pills and powders will not stop one from being overweight. If that were the case the world's overweight problems would be solved overnight.
Anyone can lose weight. But unfortunately it is far harder losing pounds than putting them on in the first place. And everybody knows that most people have the tendency to gain weight if we don't take steps to prevent it.
Experience has shown that in many cases people who diet to lose weight usually fail. They drift back to their old eating ways and their sedentary lifestyle even though they may have benefited from exercise.
Although we may tend to gain weight, it is possible to prevent it from happening. There are many advantages to avoid excess weight which are far more important than vanity or appearance. Health experts say that the significance of excess weight is more than cosmetic. Its danger is that it takes a huge toll on people's physical and psychological health.
The essence of eating correctly to maintain a healthy weight is not complicated. In most cases people know what is best for them. So, in theory, losing weight naturally should be easy.
A reasonable approach is to have a diet that is low in fat, moderate in protein and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber.
A simple example illustrates this concept. A baked potato would provide the complex carbohydrate. Sour cream would provide acceptable fat but add butter and … too much fat. The vegetables would be the source of fibre. Fry them in oil and again … too much fat. Lean meat provides the protein. But add gravy and again … too much fat.
Eating fat is a very dense source of calories and if these are not burnt off they will promote weight gain. Also, the excess calories from the fat which is eaten is more easily stored by the body as fat.
It may also help a natural weight loss approach if you don't fall into the "fat-free" delusion. Manufacturers feed this by creating their best-selling foods with low-fat or fat-free versions, but people still go on getting fatter. "No fat" or "low fat" doesn't mean "non-fattening." In many cases these foods are still packed with calories from other sources.
Dietary experts say it is better eating small amounts of food every three to four hours than two or three large meals a day.
Regular eating of healthy snacks and small meals, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole-grain bread instead of white bread or cakes are the best natural choices. Never skip a meal and substitute it with a salt and oil filled snack or fast food.
Remember, to lose weight naturally, you need to always think about what you put into your mouth and what you eat in relation to your activity level. If you continue to put in less than you use then you will be on a natural weight loss path free from pills, potions, powders, fads and machines.
Losing and maintaining an acceptable weight the natural way is not just another fad, it is a lifestyle. It takes discipline and self-control to develop the habits to keep it up. The major benefit is that this provides a long term, sustainable, cheap, healthy solution which sorts out the problem not just the symptoms.
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