Monday, October 24, 2011

Discover 12 Top Quick Weight Loss Tips

Unfortunately being overweight today is just not fashionable or the "in" look. But the amount of weight that you can lose will depend on a number of personal factors including your genetics, your current weight, your overall health, your lifestyle, stress levels and age.

The following quick weight loss tips will help anyone, of any age, achieve a fast healthy weight loss:

1. Make a plan and write it down. In writing it down you will have a far greater chance of achieving it than if you just think about it. Then brag to as many people as you can about what you are going to achieve. This will be the added motivation to not lose face when the going gets tough!

2. The plan has 3 parts which must be balanced. The first of these is the correct mindset. If your mind is not right then every little molehill will become an impassable mountain. And second is to have a healthy eating plan that you can always keep to. And thirdly to have a exercise plan which is balanced with regard to both cardiovascular exercise and muscle building.

3. Be flexible and listen to your body. If you find that the plan you originally started out with is not getting the planned results, then change it. This will apply to both your eating plan and your exercise plan.

4. Measure your performance. Keep a diary, charts, graphs, measurements, pictures or whatever else that will keep you motivated. Celebrate even the minor goals that are achieved.

5. Get specialist advice and support with your diet and exercise programs.

6. Drink lots of water. Through this program your body will be producing a lot of toxins and waste and it is important that the body can clear these away. Also with more exercise you will be sweating more.

7. Be disciplined and consistent. Just remember how to eat an elephant … one mouthful at a time.

7. Be kind to yourself. If you slip slightly then just get up and carry on. Nothing of any significance has ever been achieved that didn't have a some element of failure at some time.

8. Don't starve yourself. If your body thinks that it is being deprived of essential nutrients it will start consuming muscles and not the fat you want it to.

9. Don't crash diet... they just don't work. At some time you will give up and fall back to where you were.

10. Don't think that this is going to be easy. Initially it will require a massive push to start changing habits and cravings. Many times you will be tempted justify that it is too hard and to consider baling.

11. As you replace fat with muscle your weight might go up. This is not a problem as muscles are far more useful and in the long-term will consume far more calories than fat.

12. Avoid depending on diet pills or medication as although they might help you lose weight they will certainly have other side effects.

Quick weight loss will involve sacrifice and discomfort. A lifestyle change is not a simple process. The upside will be worth it. A healthy and more complete life. Being proud of yourself in every way. Losing weight might entail a little suffering, but as they say in the classics, there's "no gain, without pain." And anyway besides the unwanted fat, what else have you got to lose?


It's not always easy but the rewards are great. Click this link to join Patrick Millerd a life long health nut (who stills finds exercise painful!) find the best path to your weight loss goals

Monday, October 17, 2011

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects On Your Health And Diet

Topgrade acai berry effects are sufficient to enable you to protect your heart and immune system and also to help you with your weight loss program, if you have one. If you don't have any weight loss program you are working with at the moment, it won't hurt to take acai because that small berry boxes well over its weight in respect of your health.

Why topgrade acai berry effects and not just any form of acai berry? There isn't a lot of difference between the different forms of acai berry supplements - juices, capsules or even the raw berry are all effective, and it is your choice which you prefer to take. However, rather than get caught up in discussions over whether a capsule is better than juice, or if it is more natural just to eat the berries, let's consider exactly what these so-called acai berry effects are, and how they benefit your health.

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects: Acai Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are chemical substances that are absolutely essential to your health and longevity. Have you noticed how smokers appear to look older and more wrinkly than non-smokers? Or how those with fair skin that live in hot climates tend to look more leathery and brown, with deeper-cut crevices in their brows than you do?

That is because of free radicals - tiny molecules that can do untold damage to your looks and to your health. An example is the peroxide radical, very common to those that use hydrogen peroxide to bleach their hair, and superoxide, both containing the O2- ion, where the minus sign (-) represents an unpaired electron.

Electrons are like lovers, and go around in pairs. Whenever an electron loses its partner it is pretty promiscuous, and will snatch a replacement partner electron from its nearest neighbor. When strong sunlight, particularly in the southern latitudes, hits your skin, the UV part of the sun's rays generates free radicals by breaking partners apart. That substance that has lost its electron will grab one from a skin cell, and in so doing will destroy that cell - it cannot be repaired.

So, in the absence of topgrade acai berry, your skin is irreparably damaged, wrinkles form and you start to look older than you really are. But that's not the worst of it! Free radicals are also formed by factory and traffic emissions, cigarette fumes and many different chemicals. But it gets even worse than that: your very own metabolism generates free radicals within your body.

Guess the result when free radicals get loose in your bloodstream? They oxidize the LDL cholesterol in your blood and render it insoluble so that it drops out of solution and gradually forms a dense and thick plaque of cholesterol on the inside walls of your arteries. Eventually they get blocked and you can get strokes and heart failure.

The topgrade acai berry effects on free radicals are to destroy them as soon as they form, and prevent all of this from happening. But acai phytochemicals do even more:

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects on Your Weight

Topgrade acai berry supplements can be used to help you reduce weight. Now, how cool is that? A supplement that not only helps to improve your health, keep you looking younger and protects from strokes and heart disease, but that also helps you to stay slim!

Acai berry supplements contain forms of Vitamin B that help to maintain your metabolism and improve the efficiency of the way you convert fats to glucose and then glucose to energy. That means that if you use topgrade acai berry in your diet, then you can accelerate fat burning and slow down the storage of excess fat in your fat cells for later use as an energy source.

Acai is also extremely nutritious because of its antioxidant properties, and also its highly anti-inflammatory properties that we have yet to discuss. Suffice it to say that the topgrade acai berry effects on your metabolism, the general health of your heart and your circulation, and on your weight and your ability to fight disease are the properties of this small berry that have gained it the accolade of being a 'superfood'.

It is a well earned reputation and the topgrade acai berry effects on your health are more than enough for it to be recommended as an essential component of any weight reduction diet and also with training and exercises designed to burn fat and make you slimmer.


You can test the topgrade acai berry effects on your health and how quickly you can use weight by checking out the free acai trial on Pete's website, - you can't ask for more than that.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

What to Exect Whem Recovering From Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, requires some recovery time just like any other surgery. A tummy tuck can offer amazing results, but the procedure entails major surgery. It comes with some risks. So in order to have your post surgery recovery go smoothly you should be prepared for these issues and risks.


A tummy tuck involves cutting skin, removing fatty tissue, and rearranging muscle tissue. That will mean some level of pain. Be prepared for pain and discomfort--especially right after your surgery. You will be given--and will need--some pain medications. You should expect some level of post-operative pain.

Stomach Tightness

Expect your stomach muscles to feel tighter than they did before your procedure. Immediately after your surgery, you will almost have a compression garment wrapped around your stomach, adding to this feeling.


Open wounds often drain. You should anticipate the likelihood of having some small drainage tubes placed under your skin to help prevent fluids collecting in the area where your surgery was focused. You will likely have temporary swelling. Any drainage tubes should be removed within a week after your surgery.

Walking It Off!

Even though you will be sore and will find standing uncomfortable, your doctor will encourage you to get up and walk around as soon as possible after surgery. Mild exercise, like walking, promotes healthy blood circulation and helps to prevent blood clots.

Avoid Heavy Lifting and Bending!

Both bending over and lifting objects are taboo! Such movements could cause damage to your tender abdominal area. Schedule a post-operative appointment with your plastic surgeon and don't lift anything until your doctor okays it.

Enjoy Your Slim New Look!

Over the course of a few weeks, your body will begin healing. Bruises and swelling will subside. After only a few months, you will begin to get a clearer picture of your new abdomen. The residual tightness and numbness will have subsided and your incision will have faded from a reddish color a more natural skin tone. Avoid exposing your scar to direct or excessive sun.

Follow Your Doctor's Instructions!

You may not like it. You will probably want to "push yourself" to do more. But follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter in order to avoid unnecessary pain and complications after your surgery.

Although a Tummy Tuck is a pretty major surgery, if you follow these key suggestions then you will recover more rapidly and with less pain and chance of complications.


San Diego Anti-Aging and Cosmetic Surgery { } is committed to maintaining our reputation as the experts in the Cosmetic surgery, Anti-aging and Weight Loss Fields. We intend to be the first to introduce innovative aesthetic therapies as they are developed. But what we're most proud of is the quality of our person-to-person service.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weight Loss Advice for a Greater Chance of Success

If you have been unsuccessful at losing weight, you may be approaching the process all wrong. Changing a few minor things can help you be a lot more successful at losing weight. One of the main reasons why people fail to reach their goals is that they do not develop a consistent workout routine. You may find it very difficult develop a consistent workout routine if you do not enjoy running. Enjoying what you're doing will make it a lot easier for you to look forward to working out. So how can you make running more enjoyable? Have you ever thought about running with a portable music player? What about taking your dog for a run?

These suggestions are minor things that can easily be incorporated into your listing workout routine. Each one will allow you to have more fun while working out. A portable music player is a great suggestion because it will allow you to run while listening to songs that you like. Listening to songs that you like while working out could make it a lot less boring. If you find that running is boring, putting on some headphones could make it a lot more enjoyable. You may find yourself running further and faster because you'll not even realize that you are running. You'll get into a zone and run for a longer distance. A lot of people do not even consider adding a portable music player to their workout because this technology really has not even been around for that long. Portable music players seem to be getting cheaper and smaller by the day. Investing a small amount of money into a portable music player could be a wise decision that will help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Another great idea is to take your dog out for a run. Your dog could be another great addition to your workouts because it will help you to stay motivated. Just imagine, you arrive home from work and your dog will be eagerly awaiting you take it out for a run. If you do not go out and run, not only will you be letting yourself down, you'll also be letting down your pet. Running with your dog can also take the pressure off of yourself. You may think that you have to run for a certain distance or run at a certain pace, and if you take your dog with you, will not have to worry about this. Your dog will set the pace for you and you can run more casually.

These few suggestions are very easy to implement into your current work out routine. Many people overlook them because they are so simple but they are also very effective. If you can have more fun while running, you will see that it is a lot easier for you to develop better habits of working out more regularly. Consistency will be the key to keep the weight off once you lose it too. Have fun and you will lose weight.


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