Monday, October 24, 2011

Discover 12 Top Quick Weight Loss Tips

Unfortunately being overweight today is just not fashionable or the "in" look. But the amount of weight that you can lose will depend on a number of personal factors including your genetics, your current weight, your overall health, your lifestyle, stress levels and age.

The following quick weight loss tips will help anyone, of any age, achieve a fast healthy weight loss:

1. Make a plan and write it down. In writing it down you will have a far greater chance of achieving it than if you just think about it. Then brag to as many people as you can about what you are going to achieve. This will be the added motivation to not lose face when the going gets tough!

2. The plan has 3 parts which must be balanced. The first of these is the correct mindset. If your mind is not right then every little molehill will become an impassable mountain. And second is to have a healthy eating plan that you can always keep to. And thirdly to have a exercise plan which is balanced with regard to both cardiovascular exercise and muscle building.

3. Be flexible and listen to your body. If you find that the plan you originally started out with is not getting the planned results, then change it. This will apply to both your eating plan and your exercise plan.

4. Measure your performance. Keep a diary, charts, graphs, measurements, pictures or whatever else that will keep you motivated. Celebrate even the minor goals that are achieved.

5. Get specialist advice and support with your diet and exercise programs.

6. Drink lots of water. Through this program your body will be producing a lot of toxins and waste and it is important that the body can clear these away. Also with more exercise you will be sweating more.

7. Be disciplined and consistent. Just remember how to eat an elephant … one mouthful at a time.

7. Be kind to yourself. If you slip slightly then just get up and carry on. Nothing of any significance has ever been achieved that didn't have a some element of failure at some time.

8. Don't starve yourself. If your body thinks that it is being deprived of essential nutrients it will start consuming muscles and not the fat you want it to.

9. Don't crash diet... they just don't work. At some time you will give up and fall back to where you were.

10. Don't think that this is going to be easy. Initially it will require a massive push to start changing habits and cravings. Many times you will be tempted justify that it is too hard and to consider baling.

11. As you replace fat with muscle your weight might go up. This is not a problem as muscles are far more useful and in the long-term will consume far more calories than fat.

12. Avoid depending on diet pills or medication as although they might help you lose weight they will certainly have other side effects.

Quick weight loss will involve sacrifice and discomfort. A lifestyle change is not a simple process. The upside will be worth it. A healthy and more complete life. Being proud of yourself in every way. Losing weight might entail a little suffering, but as they say in the classics, there's "no gain, without pain." And anyway besides the unwanted fat, what else have you got to lose?


It's not always easy but the rewards are great. Click this link to join Patrick Millerd a life long health nut (who stills finds exercise painful!) find the best path to your weight loss goals

Monday, October 17, 2011

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects On Your Health And Diet

Topgrade acai berry effects are sufficient to enable you to protect your heart and immune system and also to help you with your weight loss program, if you have one. If you don't have any weight loss program you are working with at the moment, it won't hurt to take acai because that small berry boxes well over its weight in respect of your health.

Why topgrade acai berry effects and not just any form of acai berry? There isn't a lot of difference between the different forms of acai berry supplements - juices, capsules or even the raw berry are all effective, and it is your choice which you prefer to take. However, rather than get caught up in discussions over whether a capsule is better than juice, or if it is more natural just to eat the berries, let's consider exactly what these so-called acai berry effects are, and how they benefit your health.

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects: Acai Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are chemical substances that are absolutely essential to your health and longevity. Have you noticed how smokers appear to look older and more wrinkly than non-smokers? Or how those with fair skin that live in hot climates tend to look more leathery and brown, with deeper-cut crevices in their brows than you do?

That is because of free radicals - tiny molecules that can do untold damage to your looks and to your health. An example is the peroxide radical, very common to those that use hydrogen peroxide to bleach their hair, and superoxide, both containing the O2- ion, where the minus sign (-) represents an unpaired electron.

Electrons are like lovers, and go around in pairs. Whenever an electron loses its partner it is pretty promiscuous, and will snatch a replacement partner electron from its nearest neighbor. When strong sunlight, particularly in the southern latitudes, hits your skin, the UV part of the sun's rays generates free radicals by breaking partners apart. That substance that has lost its electron will grab one from a skin cell, and in so doing will destroy that cell - it cannot be repaired.

So, in the absence of topgrade acai berry, your skin is irreparably damaged, wrinkles form and you start to look older than you really are. But that's not the worst of it! Free radicals are also formed by factory and traffic emissions, cigarette fumes and many different chemicals. But it gets even worse than that: your very own metabolism generates free radicals within your body.

Guess the result when free radicals get loose in your bloodstream? They oxidize the LDL cholesterol in your blood and render it insoluble so that it drops out of solution and gradually forms a dense and thick plaque of cholesterol on the inside walls of your arteries. Eventually they get blocked and you can get strokes and heart failure.

The topgrade acai berry effects on free radicals are to destroy them as soon as they form, and prevent all of this from happening. But acai phytochemicals do even more:

Topgrade Acai Berry Effects on Your Weight

Topgrade acai berry supplements can be used to help you reduce weight. Now, how cool is that? A supplement that not only helps to improve your health, keep you looking younger and protects from strokes and heart disease, but that also helps you to stay slim!

Acai berry supplements contain forms of Vitamin B that help to maintain your metabolism and improve the efficiency of the way you convert fats to glucose and then glucose to energy. That means that if you use topgrade acai berry in your diet, then you can accelerate fat burning and slow down the storage of excess fat in your fat cells for later use as an energy source.

Acai is also extremely nutritious because of its antioxidant properties, and also its highly anti-inflammatory properties that we have yet to discuss. Suffice it to say that the topgrade acai berry effects on your metabolism, the general health of your heart and your circulation, and on your weight and your ability to fight disease are the properties of this small berry that have gained it the accolade of being a 'superfood'.

It is a well earned reputation and the topgrade acai berry effects on your health are more than enough for it to be recommended as an essential component of any weight reduction diet and also with training and exercises designed to burn fat and make you slimmer.


You can test the topgrade acai berry effects on your health and how quickly you can use weight by checking out the free acai trial on Pete's website, - you can't ask for more than that.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

What to Exect Whem Recovering From Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, requires some recovery time just like any other surgery. A tummy tuck can offer amazing results, but the procedure entails major surgery. It comes with some risks. So in order to have your post surgery recovery go smoothly you should be prepared for these issues and risks.


A tummy tuck involves cutting skin, removing fatty tissue, and rearranging muscle tissue. That will mean some level of pain. Be prepared for pain and discomfort--especially right after your surgery. You will be given--and will need--some pain medications. You should expect some level of post-operative pain.

Stomach Tightness

Expect your stomach muscles to feel tighter than they did before your procedure. Immediately after your surgery, you will almost have a compression garment wrapped around your stomach, adding to this feeling.


Open wounds often drain. You should anticipate the likelihood of having some small drainage tubes placed under your skin to help prevent fluids collecting in the area where your surgery was focused. You will likely have temporary swelling. Any drainage tubes should be removed within a week after your surgery.

Walking It Off!

Even though you will be sore and will find standing uncomfortable, your doctor will encourage you to get up and walk around as soon as possible after surgery. Mild exercise, like walking, promotes healthy blood circulation and helps to prevent blood clots.

Avoid Heavy Lifting and Bending!

Both bending over and lifting objects are taboo! Such movements could cause damage to your tender abdominal area. Schedule a post-operative appointment with your plastic surgeon and don't lift anything until your doctor okays it.

Enjoy Your Slim New Look!

Over the course of a few weeks, your body will begin healing. Bruises and swelling will subside. After only a few months, you will begin to get a clearer picture of your new abdomen. The residual tightness and numbness will have subsided and your incision will have faded from a reddish color a more natural skin tone. Avoid exposing your scar to direct or excessive sun.

Follow Your Doctor's Instructions!

You may not like it. You will probably want to "push yourself" to do more. But follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter in order to avoid unnecessary pain and complications after your surgery.

Although a Tummy Tuck is a pretty major surgery, if you follow these key suggestions then you will recover more rapidly and with less pain and chance of complications.


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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weight Loss Advice for a Greater Chance of Success

If you have been unsuccessful at losing weight, you may be approaching the process all wrong. Changing a few minor things can help you be a lot more successful at losing weight. One of the main reasons why people fail to reach their goals is that they do not develop a consistent workout routine. You may find it very difficult develop a consistent workout routine if you do not enjoy running. Enjoying what you're doing will make it a lot easier for you to look forward to working out. So how can you make running more enjoyable? Have you ever thought about running with a portable music player? What about taking your dog for a run?

These suggestions are minor things that can easily be incorporated into your listing workout routine. Each one will allow you to have more fun while working out. A portable music player is a great suggestion because it will allow you to run while listening to songs that you like. Listening to songs that you like while working out could make it a lot less boring. If you find that running is boring, putting on some headphones could make it a lot more enjoyable. You may find yourself running further and faster because you'll not even realize that you are running. You'll get into a zone and run for a longer distance. A lot of people do not even consider adding a portable music player to their workout because this technology really has not even been around for that long. Portable music players seem to be getting cheaper and smaller by the day. Investing a small amount of money into a portable music player could be a wise decision that will help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Another great idea is to take your dog out for a run. Your dog could be another great addition to your workouts because it will help you to stay motivated. Just imagine, you arrive home from work and your dog will be eagerly awaiting you take it out for a run. If you do not go out and run, not only will you be letting yourself down, you'll also be letting down your pet. Running with your dog can also take the pressure off of yourself. You may think that you have to run for a certain distance or run at a certain pace, and if you take your dog with you, will not have to worry about this. Your dog will set the pace for you and you can run more casually.

These few suggestions are very easy to implement into your current work out routine. Many people overlook them because they are so simple but they are also very effective. If you can have more fun while running, you will see that it is a lot easier for you to develop better habits of working out more regularly. Consistency will be the key to keep the weight off once you lose it too. Have fun and you will lose weight.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Every person that begins a diet and exercise plan does so with the intention to become healthier and lose weight. How to lose weight quickly is a common question, which is why some people enlist the help of a personal trainer to guide them through the diet and exercise maze. Of course, diet and exercise is the healthiest way to lose weight, but it does take some time. As fat is replaced by muscle, calories are burned more efficiently and a leaner appearance is the result. Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged with this approach, but progress cannot be measured solely on what the scale reads. Muscle weighs more than fat, and many times weight stays the same or only decreases at small increments. Though it may not seem like much, weight loss is occurring at a steady rate.

Diet and exercise is great but in most cases, the weight doesn’t just melt off like some people expect it to, which is why people want to know how to lose weight quickly. Depending on how much weight someone wants to lose, there are lots and lots of ways how to lose weight quickly. Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and the South Beach Diet are a good way to lose weight quickly, a lot if needed. Dieters can usually lose from five to ten pounds relatively quickly, but dieters should still be aware of their nutritional intake and not restrict themselves too much. Low carbohydrate diets emphasize eating greater amounts of protein, while restricting consumption of carbohydrates and refined sugars. Once these foods are eliminated cravings will decrease, and the pounds will start to melt off as well.

For more ideas on how to lose weight quickly, dieters can visit the web to check out a multitude of sources with lots of good information on dieting, what plans works and which one’s to stay away from. Both Atkins and the South Beach Diet can guide people who want to learn how to lose weight quickly, and keep it off. After losing weight it is easy to slip back into the clutches of bad habits. Now why would anyone want to do that after working so hard to get the weight off? In addition to learning how to lose weight quickly, dieters need to learn how to completely change their eating habits for good. Being healthy is much better than the alternative.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast

The majority of people have a few extra pounds they would love to lose. The desire to lose weight may be to become physically healthier, fit in a new outfit for a special occasion, wear a swimsuit without feeling embarrassed, or just to make them feel good. The weight many of us would like to lose can range from ten to forty pounds. It can be frustrating coming up with a plan to lose the weight quickly however there are ways to lose weight fast. Below is a list of easy to implement steps to losing weight fast.

Do not Focus on the Scale: Weighing yourself every day will only lead to frustration and quitting your weight loss program. As well, you should focus on your good qualities. It is important to accept yourself for what you do in life and not what you look like. Tell yourself that losing the excess weight is to improve your health and well being. It will help you remain positive why you are working on losing the weight.

Develop a Healthy Diet: It is important that you create a diet plan that is healthy and includes foods that help you lose weight. Stay away from fried foods, foods high in sugars and fats, and foods that are high in salt and sodium. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and avoiding foods high in starch will all help boost your metabolism and give you more energy. As well, drinks 8 glasses of water a day to flush toxins from your system, keep you full, and help flush away unhealthy fats. Try not to eat anything after 6:00pm.

Practice Portion Control: The amount of food we put on our plates has drastically increased over the years. To lose weight fast, you need to practice portion control. Just eat about a third of what you would normally eat and if you are hungry during the day snack on something healthy such as carrot sticks or dried fruit.

Exercise: Exercise is essential to losing weight quickly. Set aside time each day to exercise and start off slowly so you don't get frustrated and give up. It does not have to be anything extensive. You can start walking a half hour, doing some sit ups to flatten your stomach, swim, join an exercise class, etc. Make it fun and not a chore. Over time you will start to feel stronger and happier, and you will want to try new more challenging exercise activities. Weight lifting is another effective way to firm muscles and burn fat.

Although the above tips do not seem to be new weight loss strategies, it is however the most effective way one can lose weight quickly, Diet fads are just that - fads. If there was a quick fix, we would not have a billion dollar diet industry. Implementing a healthy weight loss plan that includes healthy fat burning and metabolism boosting foods will help you to shed the excess pounds quickly and in a healthy way.


A natural weight loss clinic that helps its clients reach their nutrition and weight loss goals in record time and in a healthy way. Learn how to lose weight fast by following a natural diet and consulting experts on how to lose weight on a regular basis.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Master Cleanse: The Diet Celebrities Use

Doing the Master Cleanse diet is able to undo years of damage to the body in one simple course of 10 days or less. The Master Cleanse diet only requires a few simple steps but they must be followed exactly for the cleanse to be effective. Before we get started with the Master Cleanse Diet, let's talk a little bit about what the Master Cleanse is, who invented it, who should use it, and why you might want to try it.

The Master Cleanse diet has a couple of different names, so to clear up any confusion they include: • The master cleanse • The master cleanser • The lemonade diet

Master Cleanse was created by Stanley Burroughs who was an early pioneer of natural health, and believed in the body's natural ability to heal itself. The results people have seen by using this diet have been nothing short of amazing. Chronic health problems that have plagued people for years disappear in as little as 10 days on this unique diet.

The fact is, people today lead toxic lifestyles. We eat food that is loaded with chemicals, We breathe air that is polluted, and our daily lives are riddled with so much stress, and anxiety that our bodies just deal with it.

We are slowly poisoning ourselves. Our colon, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and all the other organs in our body are at a breaking point. Failing to change to a healthier lifestyle could rob you of years off your life. It could also mean living a life of chronic pain, fatigue, obesity, and a plethora of other negative health problems that tend to visit people who lead a toxic lifestyle.

The Master Cleanse diet can help remove the built up waste in your body. This Master Cleanse is growing in acceptance due to its many beneficial effects that coincide with its core principles of detoxification. It's even been used by celebrities like Beyonce Knowles and Robin Quivers of the Howard Stern show. Even men like Josh Brolin are fans of the Master Cleanse.

Singer, Beyonce announced on the Oprah Winfrey show that she had lost 20 pounds on the Master Cleanse in preparation for her leading role in the film Dreamgirls.

Model, Naomi Campbell, tries to complete a Master Cleanse three times a year..."the most I've ever done it for is 18 days"

Actress Demi Moore tweeted that she and her husband Ashton Kutcher were doing the Master Cleanse and, rather than weight loss or appearance, "this is about health!!!"

Actress and singer, Gwyneth Paltrow does a fast or cleanse about twice a year. She's tried the Master Cleanse and found it worked well for her.

Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern show tried the Master Cleanse after hearing Magician David Blaine rave about it on her show. Robin credits the Master Cleanse for her 70 pound weight loss, and renewed health.

Josh Brolin has done the Master Cleanse diet a few times now and uses it to get in shape, both mentally and physically, before shooting a new film

Eddie Vedder of rock group Pearl Jam detoxes using the Master Cleanse "I'm doing the Master Cleanse. Well it's been a long couple of years, and being on the road a lot... I'm ready to just clean up my act."

The diet doesn't only promote health and a healthy body, but using it will help your body cleanse itself without drugs or surgery.

The Master Cleanse Diet works so well at cleansing and detoxing your body of years of undigested food that people have reported things they had swallowed as a child reappearing in their stool while doing a Master Cleanse. So don't be surprised if you finally end up retieving the allowance money you swallowed as a child.


The Master Cleanse diet can undo years of damage to the body in one simple course of 10 days or less. Find out more at


Monday, September 12, 2011

The Fastest Way To Lose Those Few Flabby Bits

Are you one of the many people just looking to lose some of those irritating flabby bits? There are many of us who are not excessively overweight but would like a slight body trim. For obese people this would be a small problem to face, but often trying to lose the first few pounds is the really difficult part.

The upside for those with only a small amount of weight to lose is that the physical activity and exercise should not be such a difficult or painful prospect as for those who are very overweight.

There are a number of excellent diet products that will benefit those with a small amount of weight to lose. With various low calorie snack products filling this gap. Helping you to get through the day with tasty and nutritious treats without the calories. Counting calories is a bit of a pain at the best of times. If you only have a small amount of weight to lose a better option is probably to work on a vigourous tightening and toning exercise programme and speed up the time for getting back your toned and trim body.

Dieting has limitations and can only get you so far in any weight loss mission. Cardio exercises and resistance training are vital calorie consuming elements to help you get your desired body. Dieting is required, but alone it will not get you your dream body. Exercise and an intensified fitness routine will invigorate your life and your enthusiasm for life. The important thing is to find a fitness routine that you really enjoy.

Gone are the routine and mundane aerobics workout of the 1980's. These have now been replaced with a wide variety of many other options. From Yoga to Tae Bo, boxing to Pilates and even pole dancing or belly dancing for those who dare. The point is that with your workout routine you have many different and entertaining options. You just have to find the one's that excite and motivate you. Then as they say in the Nike commercial: "Just Do It".

The bad news is … whatever fitness routine you choose, it will not do anything by itself. In order to achieve the results you have to be committed and actively work towards your weight loss and fitness goals.

At some point during this program you will very likely reach a plateau. At this point you can now either up the level of calorie burning physical activity or cut your calories. Whatever you choose, getting over this hurdle is an important step in the process.

So stay in the game and break through with renewed effort. In no time it all you'll have lost those few flabby pounds and achieved the body and glowing health you dreamed about.


Weight loss and fitness go hand in hand to improve your quality of life. Patrick Millerd, a lifelong fitness junky, would like to help you find your weight loss solution so you feel better and can do more at

Monday, September 5, 2011

Losing Belly Fat In 3 Effective Steps

Losing belly fat made easy in 3 effective and doable steps - just have a look and see. If you have been following fad diets and you have used abs gimmicks up until now, you may very well find it very difficult to lose tummy fat. If that is the case with you, don't worry, I've got good news for you.

I will share with you the exact steps you need to take and also how to implement them in to your daily life to get a leaner tummy and to start losing fat and weight. Those 3 basic steps of losing belly fat are to properly plan, to follow the right diet and to do the right exercises. Here are how to plan, the right exercises and what diet to follow to get you started.

1. Plan properly and change your attitude

To help you get in the fat loss state of mind, make sure that you are motivated and that you believe that you can be successful in losing belly fat. The best way to prepare for losing belly fat is by setting proper goals. When you set goals, make sure that you set exercise, diet and other goals and that your goals are also smart - Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bounded.

2. Make sure your diet is right

If you look at the fitness and weight loss pyramid, the right diet together with the right planning are right at the bottom (the bigger area of the pyramid). This just shows how important your diet is. You can ensure that your diet is right for losing belly fat by eating healthy, by sticking to the right portion sizes and by avoiding or limiting junk food,sodas and sweets.

3. Make sure your exercise is right

If you want to lose tummy fat and get leaner, you will have to exercise regularly. Exercise burns calories and fat and it boosts your metabolism. Some of the best fat loss exercise are circuit training (a combination of cardio and weight training), weight training, and cardio interval training. For best results, you should try to exercise for at least 4 times a week. You can choose to do weight training and cardio on separate days, or to combine the two. Be sure to warm up before and to stretch after your workouts.

Just apply these 3 steps to your daily life and you will be on your way to getting the body of your dreams. Just be persistent and never give up.


These steps, together with a great workout plan, like, The Bikini Model Program ( ) are all you need to lose belly fat faser than before. All you have to do is to implement those steps and follow your easy workout program( ) and you will succeed.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Start Losing Weight Today The Natural Weight Loss Way

Everything in moderation, eat sensibly, keep moving.

Just reading everything available about weight loss and buying all the latest pills and powders will not stop one from being overweight. If that were the case the world's overweight problems would be solved overnight.

Anyone can lose weight. But unfortunately it is far harder losing pounds than putting them on in the first place. And everybody knows that most people have the tendency to gain weight if we don't take steps to prevent it.

Experience has shown that in many cases people who diet to lose weight usually fail. They drift back to their old eating ways and their sedentary lifestyle even though they may have benefited from exercise.

Although we may tend to gain weight, it is possible to prevent it from happening. There are many advantages to avoid excess weight which are far more important than vanity or appearance. Health experts say that the significance of excess weight is more than cosmetic. Its danger is that it takes a huge toll on people's physical and psychological health.

The essence of eating correctly to maintain a healthy weight is not complicated. In most cases people know what is best for them. So, in theory, losing weight naturally should be easy.

A reasonable approach is to have a diet that is low in fat, moderate in protein and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber.

A simple example illustrates this concept. A baked potato would provide the complex carbohydrate. Sour cream would provide acceptable fat but add butter and … too much fat. The vegetables would be the source of fibre. Fry them in oil and again … too much fat. Lean meat provides the protein. But add gravy and again … too much fat.

Eating fat is a very dense source of calories and if these are not burnt off they will promote weight gain. Also, the excess calories from the fat which is eaten is more easily stored by the body as fat.

It may also help a natural weight loss approach if you don't fall into the "fat-free" delusion. Manufacturers feed this by creating their best-selling foods with low-fat or fat-free versions, but people still go on getting fatter. "No fat" or "low fat" doesn't mean "non-fattening." In many cases these foods are still packed with calories from other sources.

Dietary experts say it is better eating small amounts of food every three to four hours than two or three large meals a day.

Regular eating of healthy snacks and small meals, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole-grain bread instead of white bread or cakes are the best natural choices. Never skip a meal and substitute it with a salt and oil filled snack or fast food.

Remember, to lose weight naturally, you need to always think about what you put into your mouth and what you eat in relation to your activity level. If you continue to put in less than you use then you will be on a natural weight loss path free from pills, potions, powders, fads and machines.

Losing and maintaining an acceptable weight the natural way is not just another fad, it is a lifestyle. It takes discipline and self-control to develop the habits to keep it up. The major benefit is that this provides a long term, sustainable, cheap, healthy solution which sorts out the problem not just the symptoms.


Boost your fitness, health and well being. It's not always easy but the

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exercise painful!) find your easiest path to your weight loss goals

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simple Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Summer is approaching and we all want to have the perfect body for bathing suits. Many of us have been saying since January 1 that we're going to lose weight and by spring will look like a different person. This happens to me almost every year.

If you start following the tips below you can transform your body in the next thirty days. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 30 days if you really focus and create the right state of mind.

That leads us to the first tip, your state of mind. The correct state of mind is one of the most important things in transforming your body. You really need to believe that you're going to look different in thirty days if you're going to accomplish this goal. Many of us find it difficult to get started and stick with the weight loss program because we don't have the proper state of mind.

I'm not going to cite hundreds of research projects but let's just suffice it to say that many studies have been done showing that believing that your body is transforming actually accelerates the weight loss process. People who envision the transformation of their body while they are exercising have much better results than people who are trudging through their routine at the gym.

The next tip is exercise. I know that we hear it over and over again you have to exercise to lose weight, you need to do lots of cardio to lose weight, you need a lift weights to lose weight. The truth of the matter is that exercise is extremely important in the weight loss process. But the type of exercise you do is almost more important than the amount of exercise you do.

Many people today still have a misconception about the correct exercise program to follow to lose weight and tone muscle. There are people who will spend hours upon hours in the gym thinking that this is what is necessary to accomplish their weight loss and body toning goals. This could not be further from the truth.

Study after study has shown that high intensity interval training is the most efficient way to exercise to lose weight. This high intensity interval training, known as HIIT, can be done in as short of time as 10 minutes a day. Even less if you use a more intensive program, such as Tabata.

HIIT can be done through several different methods. The best results come from using a combination of methods. You not want to be doing the same routine each and every day as your body will become accustomed to it. For instance many people will work out on a weight circuit for three days a week and then maybe the other two days a week they will do sprints or bicycle riding or something similar.

How does HIIT work? It is merely exercising at a very high intensity for a few second and then resting for a few seconds. For example, you may sprint for 24 seconds and then walk for 36 seconds. Repeat this process ten times without rest and you have completed a workout that will give you more benefit than jogging for an hour.

The age old excuse of I don't have the time to work out, just doesn't fly anymore. Anyone can find 10 minutes a day to do some HIIT. This is absolutely crucial to lose the fat so that you will look great in your bathing suit.

The next tip is to keep moving. If you have an option between the elevator and stairs take the stairs. When you get home from work at night take a walk for half an hour. A brisk walk will help relax you after stressful day and it will also burn a few more calories.

The next tip is to eat healthy and smaller portions. You don't necessarily have to count your calories, just start becoming aware of what you are eating on a daily basis. In fact it is a good idea to keep a journal of what you eat. Studies have shown that people who keep journals tend to lose weight more quickly than people who do not keep journals of what they eat.

Next, skip the sodas. I know that you've heard this before, but they are so bad for you. Drinking sodas, even diet sodas, derail any type of weight loss plan. Even though diet sodas have no sugar, they are quite high on the glycemic index and they increase your insulin production which is taboo if you want to lose weight.

Finally, take a cheat day. It won't hurt once a week to indulge in some of your favorite foods. Just don't overdo it. In fact often times it's good for you to switch up your diet a little bit so that your body does not get used to a certain amount of calories each day.

In other words if you're eating1800 calories a day on your weight loss plan, eat 2600 or 2700 on Saturday. Studies have shown that this actually can speed up weight loss as your body will not adapt to a certain caloric level.

So these are just a few simple things that you can do that will help guarantee within thirty or all OF OUR 00 days you look great in your bathing suit. Good luck and have fun at the beach this or know or or a summer!


Losing weight fast, the best exercise to burn fat and how to eat to burn fat are only a few of the techniques and methods you will find at Fat Burning Frenzy to help you sculpt that beach body you are looking for. Learn more at =>

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Beware Fad Diets

It can be difficult to lose weight fast and achieve a desirable body but determined dieters should be wary not to dismiss all types of food.

Research by a slimming supplement firm revealed that a significant number of women were so fixated on fighting the flab that they were willing to cut out entire food groups from their diet.

The study discovered that three in ten women completely removed certain food groups from their eating habits because they are so desperate to lose weight fast and slim down for summer.

It was also found that 28 per cent of women claimed to condemn cheese to the chop and 11 per cent completely removed all dairy products from their diet in order to achieve a desirable beach body in time for the holiday season.

While consuming large amounts of dairy products such as cheese, milk and butter may be fattening these foods also contain calcium which is essential for building strong and healthy bones.

Calcium plays an important role in building bone strength so people should avoid fad diets that cuts out dairy foods completely as this can be damaging to bone health as it compromises their development which can lead to osteoporosis.

The National Osteoporosis Society said that the public should be educated about the dangers of fat diets because only a small amount of people realise that being underweight can increase the risk of contracting the bone disease.

Taking part in regular exercise and enjoying a balanced diet which includes a lot of fruit and vegetables is a sure fire way to lose weight but this will take a lot of determination and will power.

If you want to give your weight loss programme a helping hand you might want to take slimming supplements as the University of Liverpool reported that these products work when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Taking slimming supplements alongside a balanced diet and healthy exercise regime is a safer way of losing weight compared to fad diets because these products contain natural ingredients which act to increase metabolism and suppress appetite.

People should always check with a medical professional before trying slimming supplements if they are concerned about potential side effects or if they have existing health issues.

Always do research before buying slimming pills over the internet in order to discover which retailers can be trusted to provide approved products which have been accredited by the relevant authorities.


People who are interested in how to lose weight fast can get t5 slimming pills and t5 fat burners from DesirableBody. DesirableBody's ethos is that healthy living does not necessarily mean running 30 miles a day on a fad diet. Instead we believe that fine fitness can be achieved by combining gentle exercise and good eating with our various proven health supplements. Visit the website at .

How to Lose That Big Belly - Reduce Belly Fat

The first sign of obesity problems is the deposition of excess fats in our stomach region. These fats are usually called as belly fats as it develops a thick layer of skin near our belly. The excess amount of deposition of belly fat is known in medical terms as visceral fat which results in the protruded abdomen. In lay man terms it is referred as central obesity and this increases the causes for the cardiovascular diseases.

There are many people who have tried to reduce the belly fat by taking pills and steroids, and it turned out to be ineffective. The reason is that this kind of treatment only leads to a short term solution and not a long term one and another fact is that it may cause severe side effects to our body. Losing belly fat mainly depends on the metabolic activity of the body rather than the pills that we take in. In other words the more calories we burn daily than we eat, the more we lose the excess amount of fat in our body. One should follow a mix of dietary measures and some exercise routines to get rid of the belly fat.

Tips to reduce belly fat

As mentioned above the strategy to reduce belly fats involves strict dietary measures and proper simple exercise routines. The experts suggest that the combination of dietary measure and exercise routine is a healthy and effective way to reduce belly fats.  The reduction of fat requires certain type of exercises for various parts of the body and many people tend to forget this point and follow a poor exercise regime. The exercise mentioned here gives one clear idea that which part of the body the exercise targets to reduce the fat.

Interval training

It has been defined as the repetitions of high intensity workouts with a small period of rest in between the routines. The interval training helps in strengthening the cardiovascular system up of our body. This type of training helps to reduce more fats in the abdomen region and this is called high intensity interval training. High intensity interval training helps in burning of excess fat in a very short period of time. Let me give an example to make it clear, one person can run at his maximum speed for 100 meter and can return back to the starting point by relaxed walking. The walking period helps one to cool off and to refresh to take the next sprint. Repetition of this exercise is based on the person's stamina for the workout process. The repetitions will increase day by day gradually when you start doing it without any hindrance in the routine.

Balanced diet

A healthy diet actually adds on to the exercise regime and helps in maintaining right amount of calories needed for the body. It involves the intake of nutritious food with the intake of adequate amount of water. The consumption of at least of 200 to 300 grams of fresh fruit and vegetable is encouraged by WHO (World Health Organization). Try to minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats by consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetable.

Advanced Diet Tips and Exercise Videos to Lose Belly Fat - Free is a great website which provides diet tips and abdominal exercises with videos on how to lose belly fat. Advanced diet tips are also discussed in the website free of cost. It has over 25 different kinds of abdominal exercises to lose belly fat. It also contains information like low calorie foods, high fiber content foods, healthy diet tips, how to undergo diet plans, best diet plans and much more.

If you are serious about losing belly fat then its worth visiting the website. Watch the exercise videos and choose 3 to 5 exercises which will suit you better. Do these exercises each and every day without fail. Also, follow the diet tips given in the website. After a month, you will definitely see the difference in your belly fat. Watch the belly fat exercises with videos now and get rid of belly fat fast.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Learn Why Belly Fat is Unhealthy and What You Can Do to Lose the Belly Fat

If you are carrying a few extra pounds whether in the form of belly fat, love handles, a beer gut or potbelly, you're not alone. In recent years, the number of people who are overweight has increased dramatically worldwide. Two-thirds of American men are overweight or obese. But this is one case where following the crowd is not the best idea, because extra weight especially belly fat can be downright risky. And while women often put on extra pounds in the hips, thighs and legs, men are much more likely to gain belly fat.

Why is losing belly fat important?

Although the link between belly fat and health is not entirely clear, experts do know that people with a lot of belly fat are at higher risk of health problems than are people who accumulate fat in other areas and men are more likely than women to put on weight around the waist.

Our bodies are designed to store fat for release during times when there is not enough food. But when we put on weight and never have these lean times, fat cells begin to release fat molecules into the blood at a higher rate. This affects normal metabolism and the way the body uses insulin. These metabolic changes can worsen or increase your risk of health problems, including:

- Diabetes

- Some types of cancers

- High blood pressure

- Abnormal lipids

- Insulin resistance

- Metabolic syndrome

When you lose fat through exercise and improved eating habits, you improve your metabolism. This reduces your risk of health problems and may improve existing health problems.

i) How can you tell if you have too much belly fat?

Not surprisingly, how big around you are at the waist is a good indicator of whether you have too much belly fat. Although measurements that compare your hip and waist circumference (waist-to-hip ratio) or compare your height and weight (body mass index) are more precise and can be useful for research, your waist size alone can give you a pretty good idea of how much belly fat you have.

For most men, the risk factors for heart disease and other diseases increase with a waist size over 40 inches

To accurately measure your waist:

- Place a tape measure around your bare abdomen just above your hipbone.

- The tape measure should be snug but not so tight it pushes into your skin.

- Check to make sure the tape measure is level all the way around.

- Relax, and measure your waist after you breathe out no sucking in your belly!

ii) What role does exercise play in losing belly fat?

To lose weight and keep it off you have to get regular exercise. This means doing something active most days of the week. Most people need at least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise to stay healthy. But to shed the pounds in the first place, you may need longer periods of activity.

iii) Can you reduce belly fat with sit-ups?

Sit-ups will make your abdominal muscles stronger, sure. And, you may look thinner by building your abdominal muscles because you can hold in your belly fat better. But strengthening your stomach muscles alone will not specifically reduce belly fat.

iv) Does age play a role in gaining belly fat?

Men tend to put on more belly fat as they get older. While some men struggle with their weight their whole life, a lot of men start to notice their increasing waistline in their 30s and gradually put on pounds as the years go by. For many men, the eating and exercise habits that kept them thin in their youth are just not enough to keep the weight off as they get older. As you get older, you have to change the way you eat and how active you are to stay slim or lose weight.

v) What role does diet play in losing belly fat?

Diet plays an important part in losing weight. Getting more exercise is important, but it is really tough to get enough physical activity to lose belly fat without changing your eating habits.

vi) Can you really get a beer belly from drinking?

We do know that there is a link between drinking excess alcohol and gaining belly fat the "beer belly." However, it isn't just beer that can increase belly fat. Drinking too much of any kind of alcohol can have that effect. We know that alcohol is high in calories and increases appetite, but still aren't exactly sure why drinking too much causes increased belly fat in particular.

vii) Is belly fat inherited?

While some men are more likely to put on extra pounds because of their genes, for the vast majority of men, the problem has a lot more to do with lifestyle than inherited traits. Simply put, when you take in more calories than you burn the excess calories are stored as fat.

viii) What is the secret to losing belly fat?

More activity and eating less are key. The good news is that while there's no easy trick or shortcut, with more exercise and fewer calories, belly fat is the first kind of fat to go.

The only tried-and-true method to lose fat of any kind is:

a) Reduce the amount of calories you take in. You can do this by eating smaller amounts of food, or stick to foods that have fewer calories.

b) Burn fat by making physical activity part of your daily routine.

An important part of staying healthy is not only losing weight, but also keeping it off, this means after you lose weight, you still need to watch what and how much you eat and get regular exercise. However, it takes more effort to lose weight in the first place than it does to keep it off.

Don't despair, you can lose the spare tire it just takes patience and effort. And once you shed even a few extra pounds, you'll feel better and lower your risk of health problems.

To learn more on how to have your own home fitness program without costing you a fortune just visit a []

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Belly Fat in Women - How to Get Rid of Women's Belly Fat

Belly fat in women is not attractive and more importantly it is not healthy. Getting rid of women's belly fat should be the number one priority for any woman. Do not cry tomorrow that your partner is attracted to another woman. You are the cause. Your belly fat is ugly. You are no more attractive to look out when you are naked. Not to worry, this article will enlighten you on the dangers of ugly abdominal fat in women and the need to look attractive always.

Deciding to get rid of your belly fat can prove very beneficial. Belly fat in women is truly unhealthy and not a joking matter, therefore any woman with a body mass index of 34 or less and a fat belly is considered a health risk. Fatty tissue stored around the abdominal and stomach area of any woman, also known as visceral or intra-abdominal fat, is known to carry with it greater health risks when compared to fat carried around the thighs and buttocks (lower body fat).

Several research findings have shown conclusively that belly fat can and does lead to heart disease, metabolic syndrome, increased blood sugar, increased cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. With this in mind, several health practitioners are of the view that fat distribution and waist circumference are more important to actual weight gauges when predicting health risks in the future.

One of the ways to get rid of women belly fat is through the maintenance of normal weight standards for your age and body type. Matching calorie needs to calorie intake prevents weight increase, at the same time preventing excess fat developments. For those with ugly belly fat, the ideal solution is to follow through with a healthy diet focusing on weight loss, simultaneously with fitness exercises like aerobics, which burns excess calories and a toning workout focusing on the stomach area, which aids in strengthening and tightening abdominal muscles. That said, getting rid of excess belly fat will take some time, your will power and patience.

Another approach some women take to get rid of women belly fat is taking weight loss pills. There are many varieties and brands available, for those without the time for exercise or diets.

Yet another method of getting rid of belly fat or losing belly fat is through surgery. Medically, this solution should only apply to those over a hundred pounds overweight. There are 3 types of surgical approach to get rid of belly fat - stomach banding, where sections of the stomach are banded off turning the stomach lesser in size and therefore holding less food amounts; gastric bypass where food bypasses the stomach and ends up in the intestines and lastly, liposuction also known as body sculpting because it is a cosmetic operation. Fat is sucked out of a woman's body. It does not exceed ten pounds.

The choice depends on which method you want to use to get rid of your ugly belly fat. Pills and surgery may be good to some people who want to get rid of their women belly fat, but they both carry some adverse side effects. Belly fat in women can be reduced by taking to natural methods like eating healthy food and exercising properly. The natural and healthy approach remains the ideal methods for a woman to lose belly fat and live long enough to enjoy your grandchildren.

According to the latest study that looked at the relationship between women belly fat and death, the findings concluded that women who have excess weight around their waists instead of on their buttocks and thighs have an increased risk of dying prematurely. Need I say more! Long duration exercises do not work to get rid of women belly fat. Click here to learn how to lose belly fat fast and naturally without any side effects. Act now! Be healthy and more attractive to your partner and colleagues. Surprise everyone with your sexy and beautiful shape.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Natural Treatment for Menopause Your Momma Never Told You

One surprising aspect of practicing fitness after 50 is how it affects your endocrine system. That's the system of organs in your body that produce and regulates hormones in your bloodstream. Hormones are the chemical messengers that signal other vital organs when to activate or turn off their functions to keep your body running at optimum level. Just like a thermostat signals your heating and air conditioning system when to turn on and off, so does your body. If you're going through menopause, you feel how important it is to regulate your hormones every time you get a hot flash. So what can you do besides stripping and throwing a bucket of ice water on you?

First I'll explain in plain English - with no medical jargon to show off. Rather I want to show you how and what you can do to get your hormones in check.

The pituitary gland in the brain produces growth hormone (GH) and that production is increased during aerobic exercise. This is vital for muscle tone and bone density and also helps strengthen your tendons, cartilage and ligaments which literally holds you together. So if you're having a mood swing that even chocolate can't fix and someone says, "Get it together," if you exercise, you can proudly claim, "I'm being held together quite nicely, thank you".

Growth hormone also communicates fat deposits to be used as fuel instead of blood glucose which helps you to stay energized longer while exercising, which is also why exercise is vital for people who have diabetes and why it helps to keep your metabolism running smoothly during menopause.

You've probably heard that the longer you exercise, the easier or less painful it gets. The pituitary gland also produces endorphins. This is one of my favorites because it sends a chemical signal to the brain to reduce anxiety, tension, decreases your appetite, blocks pain and gives you sense of euphoria known as "runners high" where you can exercise for longer periods of time with less pain. Now, you don't have to be a runner to experience this. An increased sensitivity to endorphins can be achieved if you've exercised for several months because it winds up staying in your blood for longer periods causing that "runners high" to last longer as well. Good stuff.

Testosterone is produced in both sexes, in the ovaries in women and the testes in men. Women have about one tenth the amounts of men but it still affects your metabolism by burning fat during exercise along with increasing muscle strength and tone, and producing a sense of self confidence. When you're healthy and strong you feel good! Testosterone can remain in the bloodstream at elevated levels up to three hours after exercise. In women it can also benefit the intensity of orgasms and that's never a bad thing.

Here's another reason to exercise. Another hormone that helps to breakdown unwanted body fat is estrogen. It increases your metabolism (burns fat as fuel), increases both your libido and your mood. The ovaries produce less of it as menopause is reached but exercising can elevate its levels in the blood for up to four hours after exercising so you feel sexier and happier. Now that's better than a valium and has much better side effects than any anti-depressant.

The thyroid gland produces thyroxine which again increases your metabolism in nearly all cells in your body. The increase induces a feeling of being more energetic, burns more calories which promotes weight loss. You get about 30% more thyroxine in the blood during exercise and it remains for several hours afterwards. The longer and harder you exercise the longer it flows through the blood even at rest. You can literally be burning fat stores long after exercising.

The adrenal medulla produces epinephrine (adrenaline) whose primary purpose is to signal the heart to pump harder and it also directs blood flow to the muscles being worked using the stored fat in those muscles as fuel/energy. While this chemical is flowing through your bloodstream it also activates the breakdown of carbohydrates (glycogen) in the liver and the active muscles. The higher the time and intensity of exercise the more epinephrine is released into the blood. But more is not always better. If you haven't exercises for a while it's best to start off with a beginner's fat burning program and progress as tolerated to avoid injury.

The human body is an amazing biological machine that isn't programmed so much as it responds to inputs we decide to place upon it. If you sit and eat, it responds by weakening, fattening and sickening. If you exercise and eat nutritious foods it strengthens, tones and fights illness and disease. You ultimately choose the way your body reacts to the lifestyle you live. Exercising on a regular schedule causes the body to react with chemical signals that strengthen cells, burn fat deposits and increase blood flow to all the organs responsible for better bodily functions and health. If you aren't exercising, it's time to adjust your schedule.


Founder of Dr. approved Functional Fitness on PBS, and president of Suzanne Andrews helps you through menopause and beyond with award winning, medically engineered Functional Fitness DVD's. Available at

Belly Fat in Men is Not Limited to That Infamous Beer Belly

Belly fat in men is becoming so common that we don't think twice about seeing a basket ball-sized stomach hanging over a man's belt. The good news, according to the Mayo Clinic, is that when people move more and eat less, belly fat is the first kind of fat to go. What we have to understand is that how to lose belly fat is more about a lifestyle change then just a quick fix.

Belly fat is the most stubborn of all fats because it is deeply entrenched. New research has found that excess abdominal fat in particular puts us at even more risk for heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, as well as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Not surprisingly, how big around you are at the waist is a good indicator of whether you have too much belly fat. To figure out how much belly fat you have, use a tape measure to size up your midsection. Although measurements that compare your hip and waist circumference (waist-to-hip ratio) or compare your height and weight (body mass index) are more precise and can be useful for research, your waist size alone can give you a pretty good idea of how much belly fat you have. In men, the risk for chronic disease goes up with a belly size of 40 inches or more, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic.


What role does exercise play in losing belly fat. Belly fat responds well to exercise, so even if you're eating a healthy diet, add some activity to your day to whittle that waistline. Exercise is essential to get your muscles needing that energy resource we love to hate, fat. There are no particular "spot" exercises that are best at reducing belly fat. But most people do lose belly fat before losing fat in other parts of their body when they get more exercise of any kind.

Losing stomach fat is more then just cutting calories and particular foods from our diets. What we have to understand is that how to lose belly fat is more about a lifestyle change then just a quick fix. While sit-ups only tighten abdominal muscles, studies show strength training can reduce belly fat. But strengthening your stomach muscles alone will not specifically reduce belly fat.

When trying to lose belly fat the important thing to remember is to include whole body exercises and to rotate your workouts in order to continually provide a challenge for your body. Brisk walking or jogging are great low cost exercises to do, but anything that you enjoy and that gets your heart rate up is fine. Sit-ups and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal muscles, but they have little effect on the adipose tissue located there.

Cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is good for all-round fitness, endurance and circulation. If you're looking to get fit without the intensity of common cardio equipment, then perhaps and elliptical machine is the best choice for you. This sophisticated equipment allows you to work on and harden your calves, hips, thighs and buttock muscles, while improving your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Elliptical Motion The low impact, intensive cardiovascular workout of an elliptical trainer is achieved through smooth and natural motion. They work the upper and lower body and offer users a low impact cardiovascular workout that can vary from light to high intensity.

Elliptical trainers are a fantastic alternative to the typical cardio-exercises, such as bikes, steppers, treadmills, etc. The benefit of an upper and lower body workout, combined with low impact exercising, are the reasons why elliptical trainers are so popular. Regardless, the elliptical motion significantly reduces the impact to your joints, and that is why elliptical trainers are appealing to older individuals and people with injuries.


Belly fat is metabolically active and could possibly increase colon cancer risk by raising levels of certain hormones that affect cell growth, including the growth of cancer cells, and is incredibly common and it is not unlikely to see that even slim people have a tummy that they would gladly get rid of. Belly fat is often the most stubborn kind of fat to get ridof. Belly fat in men is not limited to that infamous beer belly.

Belly fat responds well to exercise, so even if you're eating a healthy diet, add some activity to your day to whittle that waistline. Exercise is essential to get your muscles needing that energy resource we love to hate, fat. Find out more about Losing Belly Fat.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Prevent Ugly Belly Fat

Belly fat is a disease which I think no one on earth will like to be part of. If you have a fat tummy then you'll understand what I'm talking about. Considering the inconveniences, stress, unrest, hypertension, uncomfortability, high VP and the rest of the disadvantages that are attached to it nobody will like to be a victim. If you are like me, you'll want to take advantage of any newly discovered tips and tricks to help prevent the idiot belly fat, because the only way to completely do away with this issue of belly fat is to take a preventive measure to stay away from this dreaded disease. Taking a preventive measure to any disease is the best approach to it.

How to Prevent Belly Fat

How do you prevent belly fat? What are the steps to take in preventing belly fat? What and What will one do to prevent belly fat? Can one really complete any process involved in preventing belly fat? All these are the most relevant questions associated with the prevention of belly fat. If you can provide answers to these important questions, then you are ready to prevent the disease. After all an old proverb says 'prevention is better than cure'. In preventing belly fat there is one vital thing to know before you can start the process and that is to know that there are different kinds of fat e.g. saturated, unsaturated, trans, good and bad. I f you only know the difference between these fats, and then you'll now know what low fat diet to be taking for prevention. You should always keep away from saturated and trans. Saturated are from animal source and contain meat and dairy products. Though it is not really easy to avoid these fats but instead choose low fat meats like chicken, turkey etc. Whenever you are eating beef meats always remove the visible fats on it. Whenever you are frying foods use vegetable oil because it is healthier than any other oil. At any point in time check the nutrition label of the food before eating.

Read the DV (daily value) recommendation to know the fat level. If the DV is greater than or equal to 5%, then the fat is considered low. Always read the claims of the food in front of the package. Some packs are labeled reduced fat or low fat; it all depends on their DV of the total fat, read the nutritional information every time. You can also replace reduced fat and low fat when necessary. Another interesting way to prevent tummy fat is to drink water at a steady rate. It lowers the amount of fat in you belly. How? When you take enough water is strengthen your kidney performance. But when you don't take enough water as you suppose to, you make the kidney to be unable to finish its work and then send the unfinished work to the liver and that same little water you take will decrease the fat burning performance of the liver. Enough water for the day will make your kidney to not been lazy and increase its efficiency.

Start drinking water and increase you kidney and liver performances, so that they can start burning away fats in your belly.

What is the best way to prevent belly fat?

Preventing and removing belly fat doesn't have to be hard, especially when you know this little secret that is only shared with a select group of people. This secret was only available to high-priced movie stars, however the companies are not moving into the consumer markets are giving away free no-risk trials! (that's right, free!)

To discover what this amazing secret is and get your free trial, visit:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Successfully Lose Belly Fat

This article talks mainly on how you can successfully take away your belly fat completely. The well-explained tips will give you the insight and knowledge about tummy-fat flattening. Let's progress. Have you ever taught of this? If you know how and why you failed when it comes to losing belly fat, then you will know how to take the correct action to get that sexy and slim belly that you have tried so hard to develop right? The reason you have landed on this page is because you want to succeed at losing belly fat easily, quickly and healthily, well, you will need to know what belly fat mistakes people or even you yourself made so that you won't make those same mistakes and fail at losing belly fat again, do you agree.

Common Mistakes People With Belly Fat Makes

Let us briefly look into some fatal mistakes are applicable to almost all the belly fat victims. If you really want to loss belly fat, you need to avoid the following mistakes:

Bad dieting plan-low calorie

Eating very low amount of calories will put your body in malnourishment manner. Not taking a good diet plan is one of the major mistakes made by belly fat victims. Not all diet is good to your health and not all diet is healthy. The foods we eat these days are not as healthy as they taste, so you need to be extremely careful with the foods you eat. Among all the ways of losing belly fat with diet, this is one of the worst. If you take in a very low amount of calories, your body will metabolism will be very slow. If you are use to taking in 2,500 calories per day it all within a twinkle of an eye got reduced to 600 what would you do?

The actual and the major duty of your body is to keep you alive. But as far as you keep on reducing the amount of calories, your metabolism rate will be slow no gimmicks! I t will not be able to hold enough energy to make the body lively. It is possible that you lose fat but at the long-run fat will come with full-force. This means that, extremely low amount of calorie intake is not one of the best ways of losing fat in the belly. Why not try something different may be going for 5 smaller but rich meals within the space of 2 to 3 hours. When eating, always avoid those bad carbs like sugar, soft drink, and white bread

Much of crunches

This is another fatal mistake in losing belly fat. Much of crunches won't help you. I know that you believed you can remove the fats subsequently as you work on the abs. This is called 'Spot Reduction' but spot reduction in not good completely for some basic reasons. The basic reason is that when you gain fat, the fat will go over your entire body. This is natural physiologically. You will still loss fat at the end the same way, because fat would be lost in the entire body and not just belly side only.

Another reason why much of crunches would not help is that, it will not increase your metabolism rate. Remember, the rate of your metabolism is inversely relative to the amount of fat in your body. Much of crunches will only help to make your core in alignment, but will never build enough muscle to increase the rate of your metabolism. There are so many means of loosing belly fat that speak about how to raise your metabolism, but much of crunch is never one them. There are other important things you can try like doing total body strength training routines that are like circuit training structure. With this training, you'll will work lots of muscles, then add more muscle mass to your body, it will burn lots of fats, it will re-energize your metabolism that will give you that will give you flat tummy you are looking forward to have.

I'm happy that you now know the two most dangerous mistakes in the different ways to lose fat make sure you strictly avoid them, because one thing and another thing is to avoid it. I advise you to try something different. If you are doing the right things you can burn a lot of fat and reduce your belly size to the way you want it.

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?

So what is the absolute best way to finally get rid of that unwanted belly fat? Well... losing belly fat doesn't have to be hard when you know this amazing secret method that only a very select group of insiders know about.

To discover this secret and get a truck load of free gifts, visit:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast these days. Learning how to lose weight fast is like the modern day search for the holy grail or the fountain of youth. While there are in fact some ways to lose weight fast, most of the time you’ll just end up wasting time, money, and effort, or worse; seriously hurting yourself.

It’s a good idea to be a little wary if you’re research ways on how to lose weight fast. I’d be even more wary of anyone that claims to be able to teach you how to lose weight fast. There really isn’t any way to lose weight fast that is both effective and risk free. Basically there’s three commonly used tactics to lose weight fast; starvation dieting, medication, and surgery.

Starvation dieting is certainly the least risky of the three, but is also the least effective. While starving yourself silly will indeed likely induce a rapid lose of weight, it will also slow your metabolism down to a crawl and keep it slow until you resume a normal diet again. Then, once you begin eating again you’ll put on weight faster than ever before and in no time at all you’ll be right back where you were or even worse.

Medications are a tempting tactic for those that are searching for ways on how to lose weight fast, as they are both effective and effortless. However, medications that help you lose weight fast are always going to have some serious side effects, generally will be very bad for you, and may even be addictive. It doesn’t matter if its ‘ephedra free’ or ‘all natural’, anything that you take that boosts your metabolism and makes you less hungry just isn’t good for you. Don’t just take my word for it, ask your doctor and he or she will say the same thing.

Finally, surgery is another tempting avenue to explore for those thirsting for knowledge on how to lose weight fast. Surgery is the most effective way to get weight off rapidly, but is also the most dangerous. All forms of weight lose surgery have some serious side effects and many have potentially life threatening complications associated with them. For these reasons, surgery should be avoided unless your weight is an immediate threat to your health and all other tactics have been exhausted.

In the end, learning how to lose weight fast is going to be an exercise in weighing different risks and side effects. In my opinion, it’s always safer and wiser to look into slower and safer methods of weight loss first.

Friday, August 5, 2011

3 Best Way to Lose Belly Fat That Have Never Failed Yet

Statistics have shown that fat in belly and stomach fat is linked with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Hence, it is important for us to lose belly fat as soon as possible. There are many gimmicks and advertisements flying around online telling you about how to remove that disgusting, unflattering stomach fat. In addition, there are many best way to lose belly fat. The fact is, fat cells do not vanish unless you surgically remove them. However, there is no need for you to take such a drastic route because fat cells do shrink! You might be think "Oh, this is definitely very difficult to do." Yes, it can be difficult and slow but remember that it is possible! There is a solution to help you trim your tummy and we are going to share it here.

Lose belly fat is never a quick fix. However, it can be done if you are determined and persistent. My advise is to take the turtle approach, slow and steady and you will definitely reach there very soon.

3 Best Way To Lose Belly Fat

1. Food That Help Lose Fat In Stomach

You should bear in mind that there are 3 kinds of diets that are proven to be the most effective in losing fat in belly: the high protein diet, low carbohydrate diet, and the low calorie diet. Eat lots of vegetable and fruits that contain low glycemic index. Eating food with low glycemic index is proven to help lose fat in stomach.

2. Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

To facilitate total fat loss all over your body, you should take on aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is proven to be the best exercise to lose belly fat. In fact, your belly fat is the first to burn off when you undertake an aerobic exercise. Be sure that you focus on doing calorie-burning exercise to help you to lose fat in your belly. Exercise to strengthen muscles like sit-ups and crunches are of minimal effect in losing fat in belly. The truth is that, doing only sit-ups and crunches can actually cause more stomach fat to become more visible as the abdominal muscles grow in size and shape with sit-ups and crunches. This build-up of abdominal muscles will push out against the fat and make your belly fat to appear larger and thicker. Therefore, if you really want the fastest way to lose belly fat, aerobic exercise is the key.

3. Reduces Your Stress Level

Stress is known to increase the presence of cortisol in your body, a hormone that leads to more fat deposits in your belly. Hence, to counter that, you need to learn how to reduce stress and relax. Always allocate some time to do things that you enjoy like going for a swim or taking a walk down the park. By learning to reduce stress, you will be able to lose body fat and get rid of fat in belly.

The above are 3 best way to lose belly fat that you can leverage on. If you can have the determination and persistence to apply the above 3 best way to lose belly fat, I am confident to say that you will lose fat in your belly fast and effectively. There are still various ways to lose fat in stomach, you just have to focus on a few good ones and you will be on the road to obtaining a flat stomach and a fitter body shape.

Using effective weight loss tips and diets to lose weight fast, Aloysius Mah has helped many people on how to lose fat in stomach. Together with his wife, they own and operate I Want To Lose Weight Quick Dot Com which focus on helping overweight males and females to shed their extra pounds and lead a healthier life. For lose belly fat diet, best way to lose belly fat, and best exercise to lose belly fat, go to =>

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Solid Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat When You're Having Fast Food

I'll be the first to admit. I love going to fast food joints. McDonald's, Burger King, Carls Jr., Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Taco Bell are many of my favorites fast food restaurants. But people wonder how to lose belly fat going to fast food restaurants.

There is no magic in losing belly fat. It's not complicated at all.

Most people go to fast food restaurants due to time constraints cause their in a rush. Plus they have pretty good meal deals if you're on a budget. It's true, you can save a lot of money getting a meal from a fast food joint than dining at a restaurant. We're not advocating that you stop going to fast food restaurants entirely but if you're trying to think about how to lose belly fat start to think about these tips:

Tip #1 on how to lose belly fat

For your drink, start having water with your meals instead of having soda with your meal. It's a lot of empty calories. Soda is just plain sugar water. It tastes good and we enjoy it but just keep it in mind. Think about it. A lot of people thinking about how to lose belly fat think all the fat is in the fried foods and grease but these additional calories from drinking soda adds up. Let's say your soda is about 250 calories and you have one for lunch every weekday for the entire year.

1 Soda = 250 calories x 5 days/week x 52 weeks/year = 65000 calories/year!!!

If 3500 calories = 1lb of fat then:

65000 calories/year = 18.5 lbs of fat gained!!!!!

Wanna know how to get rid of belly fat? It's all in the soda that you drink...AND that's just having soda for LUNCH every weekday not counting the weekends or the dinners!!!! Don't do this cold turkey. Start with water every other meal. Once you get used to that then you'll get used to it and feel comfortable with drinking water it'll save you money too by not having to purchase a soft drink as well. It's great, you can prevent weight gain and save money at the same time. You're asking how to lose belly fat and I'm telling you that you just switch to drinking water instead of soda and you'll prevent your belly from gaining 18.5lbs of fat. Now we're onto something.

Tip #2 on how to lose belly fat

If you're going to go to the fast food joint THINK about what you're going to eat before you actually order there. Looking at the menu for healthier choices.

Instead of French Fries add a side salad (don't go overboard on the dressing). You can still have your hamburger/sandwich but by blending a salad into your meal you're adding more nutrients and fiber to your body. Again, try to do it every other meal until you get used to it. Don't quit french fries cold turkey. We enjoy it ourselves too and they taste great but don't have them all the time. It'll make a huge difference. People usually get a value meal with large fries. Having large fries is over 400 calories (maybe more) with the majority being fat content.

If you have french fries every weekday now for lunch then:

400 calories x 5 days x 52 weeks = 104,000 calories

If you take in 104,000 calories/year and 3500 calories is 1lb of fat then you'll add 30 lbs of fat per year to your belly fat.

If you're trying to learn how to lose belly fat we're telling you that you're DIRECTLY feeding your belly fat by having french fries all the time. They're delicious! We know and love them too but you gotta understand how to discipline yourself to lose tummy fat. Again, don't quit cold turkey. Just start cutting down on the french fries every other meal until you get used to it.

Tip #3 on how to lose belly fat

Don't eat fast food each and every day of the week. Start toning down your visits to the fast food joint. If you can, bring your lunch every other day. When people bring their lunch they tend to bring more healthier choices.

Wanna learn how to lose belly fat? This is a solid tip and very easy to apply. Don't quit cold turkey but just vary it up or every other day bring your lunch if possible. These 3 tips on how to lose belly fat if you just apply them long term will surprise you and surprise your friends when they see you after a period of time. It will make a huge difference in trying to get rid of stomach fat. Remember, these are tiny changes that can make a difference in helping you lose belly fat. It's the little tiny changes that help. The concept is to apply little positive changes long term to your own life. Little changes meaning that you make changes that you can handle and won't burn you out long term. Nothing too dramatic to where you will burn out trying to get rid of belly fat and instead you end up putting on more weight.

Don't diet to lose belly fat. Minimal, long term adjustments are the way to go.

If you can make minimal adjustments long term you won't be worrying about how to get rid of belly fat. If you want more info on how to get rid of stomach fat then take a look at our website for concrete tips and advice.

Remember, the little adjustments that you can apply long term to your life make all the difference in the world.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tips to Lose Belly Fat and Stubborn Belly Fat

Are you suffering from your jelly bean appearance that you cannot sport yourselves out in the public? You can heave a sigh of relief as many people are suffering from the same problem. We should fight hard to get rid of those belly fats to sport a better physique. These fats are called as belly fats and it has a long term effect on your body. The long term effects are the advent of heart diseases and huge amount of fat molecules in your blood which can cause sudden cardiac arrest which in medical terms are known as arteriosclerosis. It may look like a mild cardiac problem but it weakens the heart tissues. Hence it is important to get rid of belly fat not only to get a better physique but to lead a healthy life. Most of the people who suffer from belly fats are trying many pills to get rid of it as they think exercises and diet program are hard to implement in their daily routine. But the truth is that a healthy diet and an efficient exercise routine helps to get rid of belly fats permanently in a very healthy way.

This article proposes a two step program to reduce belly fats that mainly concentrate on consumption of healthy natural foods and exercises that stimulates the metabolic rate to reduce belly fats.

Step 1: Exercise routine

Many are in notion that exercises can only be performed at gym and not at home, but the thing is that with a little common sense we can easily carry out exercises in the home. Exercises like side crunches and v crunches can be easily performed at home itself.  Just take a walk every day to nearby shops to buy your daily consumption of vegetables as walking is one of the best form of exercise that primarily help in the reduction of belly fats. You can invest on an elliptical trainer to provide you with a wide range of cardiovascular workouts. High resistance elliptical workouts are best for the persons having knee problems. The cardio exercises that you do for toning your stomach should be carried out at maximum intensity level to achieve better results.  Abdominal exercises helps in the stimulation of growth of muscles as cardio training only concentrates on getting rid of fats.

Step 2: Balanced diet

Many scientific researches clearly show that we consume more calories than what we eat each and every day because of our sedentary work style. This is not great news because the calories that are not used are stored as fats. Hence our diet is very important as we can't starve every day in the process to reducing belly fats. Consumption of foods that are rich in proteins and are less in carbohydrate content are encouraged, as proteins are burned totally to produce energy, while the unused carbohydrates are stored by converting them into fats.  Make a habit of taking fresh fruits or vegetable as a part of diet.  Eliminate beer and other alcohol drinks instead consume lots of fresh fruit juices without sugar.

The above mentioned steps to reduce belly fats will yield better results when followed with determination and patience. Impose confidence in yourselves to reduce belly fats to lead a healthier life.

Free Exercise Videos and Advanced Diet Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Do you want free information on how to lose belly fat? is an ultimate resource for all kinds of information related to losing belly fat. This website provides over 25 different kinds of belly exercises with videos on how to lose belly fat. It also contains many advanced diet tips and fat burning foods to lose belly fat fast.

Checkout the website now and choose 3 to 5 different exercises of your choice and do it regularly. Also follow the diet recommendations in the website and see how you lose your belly fat in just one month from now. Get advanced tips on how to lose belly fat now and get rid of belly fat in just one month.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Losing Belly Fat - A Simple 2-Step Guide to Losing Belly Fat Fast

Losing belly fat is not as hard as it seems. I know that it is demoralising to have a belly that bulges out of your shirt and pants but not to worry because it takes just 2 simple step to turn that belly fat into six-pack abs.

The first thing you need to understand when you want to lose weight or lose that belly fat is that your metabolic rate plays a vital role. Just by increasing your metabolic rate, your body can actually burn more calories or fats in your body. High metabolic rate equals to high calorie burning rate!

So how do you increase your metabolic rate?

You can increase your metabolic rate and start losing belly fat by following these 2 steps.

1. Eat Smaller Meals A Few Times A Day

Stop eating one big meal and start eating smaller meals about 4 to 6 times a day. The reason is because when you eat one big meal, you are taking a lot more calories than what your body needed at that point of time. Your body will just burn the calories that it needs and then store the rest as fat deposits for future energy use.

When you don't use these future energy, the fat deposits will increase with every big meal that you take and this cause you to have a bulging belly or also known as belly fat.

Another bad outcome of eating one big meal is that you will feel hungry again after a few hours so you will eat again. Your body will then store the excess calories again as fat deposits. More fat deposits means more chances of a bulging belly.

When you eat smaller meals more times a day, you are actually feeding your body with just the right amount of calories that it needed so there will be no calories stored as fat deposits. You will also not have hunger pangs because you are eating about 4 to 6 times daily.

Start eating smaller meals a few times a day and you can look forward to start losing belly fat.

2. Mini-Trampoline Jumping

This is by far the simplest exercise and one of the fastest way to increase your metabolic rate and start losing belly fat.

Most people assume that if you want to lose your belly fat, you have to do crunches because it targets your belly area. That is not a correct assumption. If you want to shed of those pounds or lose that belly fat fast, you have to find an exercise that helps you burn fat fast and as a whole. Not just targeting one part of the body.

Jumping on a mini-trampoline a few minutes each time and about 5- 10 times a day could help you get rid of that belly fat. The good thing about jumping on trampoline is that it is easy to do and you can do it anytime, anywhere you want. You can even do it while you are waiting for the tv commercials to end.

You need to stop procrastination and start taking action today. Belly fat is a no no. Six pack abs is the way to go.

If you follow the 2 steps above, losing belly fat will be a breeze and of course you will be proud to show off your new abs to your friends!

Still having problems losing belly fat? Check out my Lose 5 Pounds A Week Blog here: