Juicing can be a great way to increase your nutrient and anitoxidant intake in order to improve health, but fruit juices can also contain a lot of sugar.
However, green juices are a great alternative that yield high nutrient, health promoting juices without all the calories.
1. Give your digestive system a rest.
Sometimes our digestive systems struggle with the food we eat. Animal proteins, processed foods, bread, pasta, and junk food along with a variety of other things, all combine to make life tough for our digestive systems.
Why is this a problem? Our digestive systems require energy to function, so the harder they have to work, the less energy you and I have for making the most of life. That's why it is common to feel tired after eating a big bowl of pasta, sometimes even needing to take a nap.
But, how many times have you felt like taking a nap after consuming fresh fruits and vegetables? I never have. Usually, I feel awesome. When you juice your fruits and vegetables, the heavy lifting is done before it gets inside your body. This gives your digestive system a rest and allows you to use the extra energy to live your life to the full.
2. Build and replenish red blood cells.
Green juices are home to a potent ingredient called chlorophyll, which is a miraculous, life-enhancing substance. While it has many benefits, the best is probably the fact that it is identical to hemoglobin (except for the center atom).
Some believe that this similarity means that chlorophyll, when consumed, can easily be converted to hemoglobin, which will increase the quality and quantity of red blood cells, boosting energy and increasing well-being.
There is evidence that chlorophyll is powerful in regenerating our bodies at the molecular and cellular level. It cleanses the body, fights infection, heals wounds and aids detoxification. Along with these, there are many more benefits to chlorophyll. If you want to make the most of them, start drinking green juice! Cooking breaks down chlorophyll.
3. Prevent cancer.
Fresh green vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, which act as microscopic soldiers that prevent cell damage. Cell damage can lead to genetic mutation resulting in cancer, so the more antioxidants you consume, the stronger your defense against cancer.
One of the easiest ways to consume more antioxidants is with juicing, as you can drink five carrots a lot faster than you eat them.
4. Boost your energy.
As I explained above, juicing fruits and vegetables turns them into an easily digested form, which means that energy otherwise spent on digestion can be used for making the most of your day. When I juice regularly, I find I sleep less and get more done. For me, juicing allows me to be awake longer and achieve more.
5. Strengthen your immune system.
By supplying your body with massive amounts of important vitamins, minerals and nutrients on a daily basis, your immune system will grow stronger and sickness will affect you less and less. In the 21st century, many people feel that they are at the mercy of illness, whether it's something trivial like a winter cold, or something serious like cancer.
However, it doesn't have to be that way. By drinking green juice and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a person can minimize the time spent sick in bed.
To get you started enjoying the benefits of green juice, use the following two recipes.
The Alkalyzer
4 carrots
4 stalks of celery
a few handfuls of spinach
2 apples
This is a great juicing recipe to start with. It's easy to make and tastes great. Wash everything, then chop the apples. Chop the ends off the carrots and juice everything together. Mix it up thoroughly, pour into a glass and enjoy.
The Green Machine
2 handfuls of spinach
2 handfuls of kale
2 handfuls of watercress
4 handfuls of romaine lettuce
2 apples
This juice works best with single and twin gear juicers because it's mostly leafy vegetables. Wash everything then chop the apples into quarters. Juice the spinach, kale, watercress and romaine lettuce first, finishing with the two apples. After mixing, pour into a glass and drink. If you'd like it sweeter, add another apple or two.
Have you ever tried juicing? If so, what was your favorite thing about it?
John writes for Healthy-Juicing.com, where you can learn more about the fantastic juicing benefits and access a wide variety of tasty juicing recipes. John is passionate about being healthy and loves to help others experience the incredible benefits of juicing.