I was recently away for the weekend with some friends and I was amazed at how many times they mentioned the need for their protein shake.
This isn't the first time I've noticed this strange addiction among my circle of friends and guys at the gym, so I wonder how common it actually is?
What's even funnier is that during my weekend observations, none of these guys in question would be classified as "huge". They are for the most part average guys with a couple maybe having a slight above average muscle mass, yet two mega drums of protein shake mix were sitting at arms reach behind the kitchen counter.
Protein addiction would totally be a psychological addiction with users feeling like they would waste away without their several times a day hit, which just isn't true. Last year the sports supplement market raked in over 2.95 billion dollars and I would imagine the bulk of this would be from some type of protein supplements.
I very rarely use protein supplements. Perhaps I'll buy one if I miss a meal on a rare occasion, but I never use them as part of my bodybuilding strategy. I instead rely on whole foods like lentils and rice, chicken, lean beef, tuna, salmon, eggs, greek yogurt, and nuts. I'm not one to brag, but I have built up nice lean muscle mass, which I frequently get compliments on, without supplements.
I'm not saying that protein supplements are bad or not useful, but I am questioning some people's dependance on them and the almost addictive behavior they seem to create in some. The average person doesn't need all that protein, in fact, consuming less protein actually makes your body more efficient in using the protein you do consume.
Unless a person is going to devote his/her life to a "bodybuilder's" lifestyle, there is no need to consume the amount of protein a professional bodybuilder would have to consume. My advice to protein supplement addicts would be to wean yourself off the shake and consume healthy, whole food protein sources instead.
Do you think protein supplement addiction is becoming more common?